Friday, January 23, 2009

This blog is not dead!

Hello everyone!
This blog is not dead! I intended to post here about every week or so, and link it to, as part of my activities for IYA2009. Well, I asked how to link my blog to the cosmic diary, but instead of doing so, the organisers created a new blog account for me on cosmic diary!

So, I have two blogs now. I decided to blog in German on cosmic diary, because I would like to reach the "general public" (i.e. teachers, students, interested teenagers, etc.) in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other germanspeaking countries. If you want to reach people not working as professional scientists in these countries, you have to use German. Also, there are already many astronomy-related blogs in English, but few in German. Not only English (nativ) speakers should become invloved in IAY2009 activities!

Nevertheless, once in a while I will blog here also during the year of astronomy. And particularly more frequently when the year of Astronomy is over! This year is a good opportunity to become a blogger, and to use the possiblities of the internet to start outreach activities. I was always interested in telling other people about astronomy and the universe, so this is just a natural thing. I hope you like what I have to say about the topic!

Read you soon,